US calls for quick restoration of Senegal’s election calendar 

In a telephone call with the Senegalese president, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on Mr Macky Sall to restore the country’s election calendar and timeline for a peaceful transfer of power. The US top official also expressed serious concerns over the already tense political situation in the country…
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called on Senegalese President Macky Sall to restore Senegal’s electoral calendar and timeline for the transfer of power. 
The U.S. State Department disclosed this after a telephone call between the Senegalese leader and his US counterpart.
While speaking with the embattled president, Mr Blinken raised “serious concerns” about Senegal’s political situation following actions to postpone the presidential election.
Senegal has been facing new waves of protests in response to the postponement of the Feb. 25 vote to December. 
The opposition described the move as an attempt to extend Sall’s mandate and a threat to one of the remaining democracies in coup-hit West Africa.
Authorities cut off Internet access on Tuesday as protests continued in different parts of the country.
Rights groups faulted the authorities for using heavy repressive tactics to stifle widespread opposition to the postponement of the poll. 
Internet monitor Netblocks said: “The incident underscores the growing use of mass censorship in the country.”
Three people have died and around 270 others were reportedly detained during the protests that swept the capital, Dakar.
Meanwhile, the United Nations has called on the Senegalese authorities to order the security forces to respect and ensure human rights.
Similarly, the French foreign ministry said on Tuesday that Senegal must hold a new presidential election “as soon as possible” and use proportionate force when dealing with protesters.