Unknown Helicopter Gunship Fired Missile in Somaliland

Some on campus called it an “overreaction” because the student with the glue gun is black.

Hargaysa—06, October, 2018. Unknown Helicopter gunship fired at villages near Gabilay, Somaliland. The helicopter is unknown so far and no country claimed their war planes fired a missile. However, no casualties were found. The explosive shrapnel remnants have been moved to Gabilay police station for further investigation.
The Information Minister and State Interior Minister without portfolio visited the areas where said missile hit. “We will investigate and conclude. Our people should stop the constant outcry instead report whatsoever they see to the highest officials.” Said Mohamed Muse Diriye.
A police officer presented to the press the explosive remaining materials. “The residents are quite terrorized. We have seen what happened here.” He said.

Almost several times, aerial explosions were overhead in the coastal areas and inlands but no foreign country admitted that their air force violated Somaliland’s airspace.
Somaliland has no air power to control its airspace neither Somalia. Since in 1991, Somalia’s airspace were unprotected and chaotic.
