Roobow The Former Terrorist Is Disqualified from Gubernatorial Election

For Condé Nast Traveler, by Paul Rubio.

SL—Hargaysa, 06. October, 2018. Mukhtar Roobow, a senior officer in Al-Shabab, declared his presidential candidacy in South-West Regional Administration. But the Somali government in Mogadishu barred him from running the gubernatorial race for his membership of Al-Qaida affiliated group and alleged role in the suicide bombing that rocked Somalia’s capital over the past six years.

Mukhtar Roobow donating blood to the victims of suicide bombing once he used to mastermind

South-West administration began to hold regional presidential election open to tribal residents in the region under the control of the South-West autonomy. Abu Mansur as he was known during his stay with Al-Shabab has been one of the most wanted deadly terrorist by the US government list. 5 $ million pinned on his head for reward for anyone who share his whereabouts or dead or alive. However, he was de-listed after he defected to Mogadishu following brawl with the late ringleader Ahmed Godane.
The local sources say that the exclusion came after foreign powers pressured Somali government, so far, no comments from Mr. Roobow if quit the game or not.

Roobow is in fear for he can’t travel alone without any military escort for his defection from Al-Shabab.