WADDANI’S Hopeful Engages in Crucial Talks for a Fair Election

The presidential candidate of the opposition party WADDANI, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro, today met with the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi, and members of his cabinet at the Presidential Palace. Accompanying the candidate were his running mate Mohamed Ali Aw Abdi, the prominent politician Abdulkadir Haji Ismail Jirde from the party leadership, and the candidate’s private secretary Abdulkadir Salah Idle.

The meeting was organized by the former President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Dahir Rayale Kahin, who recently took the initiative to ensure the smooth conduct of the long-awaited elections in the Republic of Somaliland and repairing relations among the major stakeholders to work together for their successful execution.

During the meeting, the WADDANI party’s presidential candidate expressed to President Bihi and the leadership of the KULMIYE party that the Republic of Somaliland has thrived on stability, security, and an electoral path based on democratic principles, which should be continued and strengthened. He reminded them that the WADDANI party has always advocated for free and fair elections and that as a party, they are prepared and committed to ensuring that the people of Somaliland have the opportunity to exercise their democratic rights in the elections.

The candidate and the party leadership also noted that the path to the elections has been set and all obstacles surrounding the electoral process have been resolved. “The people are getting ready for the upcoming combined elections scheduled for November 2024,” Abdirahman Irro concluded.

The sides agreed on the need to restore the cooperation mechanism among the national parties and to hold further working meetings to pave the way for a smooth election campaign.

The candidate and the WADDANI party leadership expressed their gratitude to the former President of the Republic of Somaliland, Mr. Dahir Rayale Kahin, for his time and efforts in bringing the stakeholders together to discuss the crucial issues of the country.

Finally, the candidate called on the people of Somaliland to prepare for the upcoming combined elections with unity, peace, and stability.
