SNA claims killing of Alshabaab expert for explosives in Lower Shabeele

Commanders in the Somali National Army, Danab, have claimed that they killed Explosives expert in Wallanweyn district in Lower Shabelle region.

This announcement was made by the commander of the 16th division of Somali commandos, General Ismail Abdi Malik, saying that the army has terminated Mohamed Osman Hussein Bulush.

Commander Ismail also said the purpose of the operation was to arrest Bulush, but when the army encountered him, the Alshabaab fighter tried to defend his life with an AK47 in Walanweyn and but the commandos shot him dead.

Reports from Walanweyn town say that the killing occurred around midnight on Thursday.

Mohamed Hussein Osman Buluush replaced Mohamed Sidow, on 28 December 2019, who was in an airstrike in El Barrow village, according to Colonel Ismail AbdiMaalik.

There is no official statement from al-Shabaab, about the government’s statement that the head of the al-Shabaab bombings in the Lower Shabelle region was killed.\

The Lower Shabelle region has seen increased fighting between the Somali National Army and Alshabaab fighters.