South Africa emphasises need for UN force to protect civilians in Gaza

The South African government has repeated its call for protection against civilians in Gaza as.

UN Security Council sets to meet on Gaza humanitarian crisis as death toll passes 8,000

The United Nations Security Council is expected to convene to hold talks on the growing.

Egypt facilitates entry of 60 aid trucks into Gaza on Monday

Arrangements by Egypt are underway for the entry of 60 aid trucks into the Gaza.

Somalia Announces Humanitarian Initiative to Provide Medical Assistance to Gaza

Amid escalating Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, resulting in tragic casualties, including women and children, the.

Egypt Joins Humanitarian Effort as Malaysian NGOs Send $1.5 Million Aid to Palestinians in Gaza

In a remarkable display of solidarity, Egypt with Malaysian organizations are gearing up to dispatch.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) demands immediate stop to Israeli offensive in Gaza

A pan-Islamic group, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, OIC, has demanded for a halt to.

Gaza: Death toll passes 2,000 as humanitarian crisis hits unprecedented state

More than 2,300 people have now been confirmed dead in the Gaza Strip in the.